Monday, July 15, 2013

Indian Food

Today we had some really good food for lunch. It was my sister's birthday so we had a special meal. 

The middle larger chunk is Pongal. It's sort of a kind of mashed up rice dish. It's eaten as the main meal. The grayish liquid is Coconut Chutny. It's like a gravy for both the Pongal and the doughnut shaped item at the top called Vada. It's basically a spicy fried dough. Then the top left corner is a sweet called Kesari. The one I ate has pineapple in it. 

Sometimes special meals are eaten on a banana leaf (or even regulars. The leaves are easy to get and decomposable) but I have plate under my leaf because the leaf was small and I didn't want to spill onto the table. A lot of hotels actually serve dishes on a leaf that they cut out and put on a regular plate.  

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